Although Trachycarpus Fortunei would win the Gold Medal for being the most recommended palm, the one you’re most likely to see growing in gardens here in Birmingham is Phoenix Canariensis.
The reason for this popularity is easy to explain.
It looks different; most gardeners like to grow something a little unusual occasionaly and P.Canariensis certainly fits the bill.
It’s available almost anywhere; I’ve seen P.Canariensis for sale on market stalls, in d.i.y. stores, corner shops, even in supermarkets, so with this kind of exposure, it's no wonder everyone's buying them.
It’s cheap; at £5.99 for a 2ft plus palm, you can afford to plant a forest of them.
This popularity isn’t confined to the U.K. either.
Like T.Fortunei, P.Canariensis seems to have found a niche in the palm world and it can now be found growing in virtually every country where the climate is suitable.
One thing that I've noticed about the P.Canariensis I’ve seen growing in various parts of Birmingham, is the lack of winter protection.
Despite this, all the palms that I’ve kept my eye on in passing are thriving and are a pleasure to see.
Clearly, the gardeners must be doing something right or P.Canariensis is hardier than we believe.
Growing anything up to 60ft tall and looking very majestic with it, P.Canariensis is I think everyone’s idea of what a palm should look like.
To come across a group of them growing in the wild is a very impressive sight and if it doesn’t raise at least an "Ooh" and an "Ahh", then you have no Soul.
For cultivation tips I refer you to my blog Palms! Planting out your treasures.
The one thing you should remember is that P.Canariensis grows in what amounts to semi arid conditions and it’s essential that they’re planted in fast draining soil or compost.
Any excess water hanging around the roots will cause no end of problems and could end up causing the death of your palm. Posted by Mike.